Turkey Dinner: Don't Have A Hand In It

As much as we don’t want to believe it, Thanksgiving in America is an indoctrination.


From a young age, children are taught that eating turkey 
is THE way to celebrate, conveniently passing over the 
42 million intelligent, living birds murdered each year to do it.


So we used a familiar art project from our youth 
to change minds about eating turkey.


The Plan:

Use real kids’ turkey hand drawings that we would then accurately mutilate to bring awareness to the issue.

Turkey Germs


A lot of people don’t care about a turkey’s well being,
despite the torture and horrific conditions turkeys are subjected to.

But people do care about themselves.
And turkey, with all its bacteria,
can ruin a holiday in the blink of an eye.

So if you’d rather spend your Thanksgiving hugging family
and not a toilet, you might want to think twice about eating meat.

The Plan:

Create a series of Thanksgiving headlines to talk about all the diseases turkeys can carry, but with a special twist: the font would use turkey bacteria and let it grow into letters.